I sent home progress reports today in the take home binder. Please sign and return tomorrow.  If you would like a conference please indicate on the progress report.

We will have scheduled parent conferences on Tuesday, October 15 and Thursday October 24. I will send home a note later this week for you to sign up.

Don't forget Open House next Thursday (Sept 26). The kids are working really hard to show off their work and the room.  PLEASE COME!!  The PTO is sponsoring a bake sale so there will be lots of goodies to buy!  If you can make something to contribute to the sale, please send it in Thursday morning.  THANKS!

Our first field trip will be Friday, Sept. 27!! We are taking a trip around the town. There is a permission slip in the binder today.  I must have a signed slip before your child allowed to go.  Please return as soon as possible. We will not be taking chaperones this field trip.

Reading:  Our book for the week is Elmer by David McKee. We are talking about characters, setting,  and plot.
Math:  place value, comparing numbers and doubles in adding
Spelling:  long vowel u (see lists under spelling tab.) There are some students that will be on the A list (th sound).  Words are also written in the planner.
Language and writing:  nouns, and a personal narrative
Science:  matter (solid, liquid, and gases)

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