Can you believe we are beginning our third full
week of school? I am enjoying this class so much. They are incredibly smart and
we are already learning so much!

Here are some reminders for the week:
Our fundraiser ends this Thursday.  Please make sure you send in the correct form and monies on that day.
If you are on face book, like the Yates PTO page.  They will keep you informed of all the happenings going on at Yates.
Remember to sign up to bring snacks.  Look under the snack tab and let me know what week you can bring snacks.
Home work will begin after Labor Day.
Remember we will not have school on Monday, Sept. 2nd.

Skills this week:

Whole group reading:  We are continuing our Fairy tale unit.  We will be looking at different character and stories.

Phonics and spelling:  long e sound spelled different ways. The spelling words are listed under the spelling tab and they are written in the planner.

Language:  Sentences

Math:  place value; reading and writing numbers to 1000; reviewing addition and subtraction facts

Social studies:  community helpers

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