I have several things to share with you this week:

Remember Thursday  (Aug. 22) is picture day.  I must have the money if you want to order prints. Everyone will get their pictures made at this time for the yearbook.

Please take a minute and look at the snack schedule.  We don't have anyone signed up for snacks this week.  PLEASE sign up for a week.

I have almost everyone's email address. If you have not sent an address in, please do so!  If you were here at Parent Night, you signed the form.

We are having an important parent meeting here at Yates. Emily Foggin will be speaking about our new Common Core Standards. It will be a very informative meeting. It will be held Thursday, August 22 beginning at 6PM.  It should last about an hour.

Skills this week:
Reading:  We will begin an unit on Fairy Tales.  We will cover several different comprehension skills.
Spelling and phonics:  long a sound spelled different ways
Language Arts: sentences
Math:  place value
Social Studies:  Communities

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!!

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